Duck Pond is a small pond bordered by mixed woodlands with patches of marsh interspersed along the shoreline. While much of the year it supports avifauna widely occurring in York County, spring migration is a time when a few surprises may be found here.
Bank Swallow is one spring migrant that spends time here refueling on its way to breeding sites. Along with Tree and Barn Swallows, Bank Swallows crisscross the pond back and forth feeding on emergent insects. They magically appear in early-mid May, stay a few days to a week, and then vanish. While present, they are a wonderful study.
Spring migration also brings a variety of flycatchers, warblers, vireos, and other perching birds. Great Blue and Green Herons can be found in the shallow marsh areas. Belted Kingfishers can often be seen circling the perimeter of the pond. In 2009, a Least Bittern made Duck Pond its summer home and there was a report of a Common Moorhen that same year.
Following Berry Road up the hill to the south of the pond leads to open grasslands with wooded margins. Here there are often American Kestrels, Eastern Bluebirds, Bobolink, and a variety of sparrows.
Duck Pond is located in the southeast corner of Routes 202 and 22 in Buxton. It can be accessed from Route 202 by turning east on Pease Road and then north (left) onto Berry Road or from Route 22 by turning south onto Berry Road. There is a small boat launch area about 100 yards from Route 22 that offers good viewing possibilities.
While Duck Pond is not a birding destination to occupy your whole morning, it is well worth a spring visit to check on birds that may be hard to find elsewhere in York County.