From the Arctic to Brazil By Way of the Coast of Maine: The Semipalmated Sandpiper’s Journey – with Shiloh Schulte – Tuesday, May 16th
York County Audubon has notched up its involvement with our shorebirds. We have paid for Piping Plover monitors who help educate the public at our beaches. Some YCA members are participating in shorebird surveys. We have put on Piping Plover workshops with children in local schools and day camps, have run multiple shorebird focused field trips, and put on a shorebird workshop for birders.
Kennebunk resident Dr. Shiloh Schulte has been on the forefront of the Manomet Shorebird Recovery Program. He has worked extensively with the American Oystercatcher, a distinctive shorebird which has become the poster child for conservation success. However, the Shorebird Recovery Program is not stopping with the American Oystercatcher.
Dr. Schulte will address work with shorebirds we see more commonly on our beach walks. Semipalmated Sandpipers were once the most widespread and abundant shorebird in the Western Hemisphere. In recent decades their numbers have declined sharply, particularly in the Eastern US and Canada. Dr. Schulte will discuss recent research into why they are declining and how we can help. Can we develop better strategies to protect this declining species? Education is an important step. By attending this program you can be informed on the latest and help spread the word.
The program will be at 7 p.m. in the Mather Auditorium at the Wells Reserve at Laudholm. Please join us. York County Audubon programs are free and open to all.