Hummingbirds – Recent Research and Spectacular Species We Have Met – a Zoom program with Dana and Bob Fox – Tuesday, April 19th
Lifelong birders Dana and Bob Fox, who have traveled extensively on 6 continents and visited more than 40 countries, will present this program which focuses on a magnificent group of birds: the hummingbirds.
A male Ruby-throated Hummingbird at the Fox’s NH cabin – photo by Steve Whitebread
Studies have given us insights into the wonders of hummingbirds. This talk will provide information including: what is a hummingbird, how they did they evolve, how do their nectar gathering and pollination activities compare with bees and butterflies, what do they eat besides nectar, what are their feeding techniques, what is torpor, how is their iridescence produced, and what is unusual about their courtship behaviors?
Bob and Dana will share their adventures with 10 different, remarkable species they have seen on their journeys in the Americas. Many spectacular pictures and videos will be included. Join us to marvel at these little feathered gems.
Green Violetears in Colombia – photos by Dan Fox
There’s no charge to participate, but you need to register in advance to watch this program. To do so, please click on this link and enter your name and email address:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
We hope you can join us!