Scott Weidensaul, Bird Migration and Shade Grown Coffee.
08/27/2015 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Alheim Commons at the Wells Reserve
York County Audubon and Freeport Wild Bird Supply welcome you to a free presentation by famed naturalist and author Scott Weidensaul. He will explore the wonder and mechanics of bird migration, and the simple, effective ways we can help save birds, from what we plant in our gardens to what we pour into our morning cup of coffee. He’ll also talk about his latest passion: educating others about the importance of shade-grown coffee. The event will feature free samplings of some of the finest shade grown coffee, provided by Birds & Beans® “Bird Friendly” coffee.
Scott Weidensaul is the author of more than two dozen books on natural history, including the Pulitzer Prize finalist Living on the Wind, about bird migration, and Of a Feather: A Brief History of American Birding. Copies of some of Scott’s books will be available for purchase and signing by the author.
Weidensaul is a contributing editor for Audubon magazine and writes for a variety of other publications; he lives in the mountains of eastern Pennsylvania, where he studies the migration of hawks, owls and hummingbirds. Scott is a frequent visitor to Maine and is the Director of Ornithology, and an instructor, at Audubon’s Hog Island camp in Bremen, Maine.
The program will be held at the Wells Reserve’s Alheim Commons, located at 100 Laudholm Farm Road, which is the road that leads from Route 1 to the Reserve. The doors will open at 4:30 for coffee sampling. The program will run from 5:15 till 6:00, followed by Q&A and additional coffee sampling. AND ONE FINAL NOTE: WHILE PRE-REGISTRATION IS NOT REQUIRED AND LAST MINUTE ATTENDEES ARE MORE THAN WELCOME, WE WOULD GREATLY APPRECIATE YOUR PRE-REGISTRATION THROUGH THIS WEBSITE TO HELP US GET A GOOD IDEA OF HOW MANY PEOPLE TO EXPECT. THANKS!
Bookings are closed for this event.