The Abby
04/13/2014 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
The “Abby” (Abagadasset River) in Dresden is renowned for spring concentrations of migrating ducks and geese. Of course, the ice must be moving out to support this migration phenomenon. We are having a late movement of ice this year and therefore rescheduled our March “Abby” field trip to April 13.
We will meet Trip Leader Mike Fahay at Green Point at 11. Mike will lead us through Green Point Wildlife Management Area and Brown Point Road, then we’ll finish our day at Maquoit Bay on the way back south. How many waterfowl species can we see in one April day in Maine?
We will car pool from the south, meeting at the park-and-ride on Industrial Park Rd (exit 1 off 195) Saco at 9 am.
Please call Pat Moynahan at 284-5487 if you are planning on attending or if you would like to be meet us further north.