The Outlook in Augusta: a Legislative Update with Jennifer Burns Gray
11/15/2016 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Mather Auditorium at the Wells Reserve at Laudholm
What will be happening in the Maine Legislature after the November election? How will environmental concerns fare in Augusta next year? What’s the outlook for advancing solar and other alternative energy sources in Maine, and for protecting Maine’s forests, waterways and wildlife?
Jennifer Burns Gray has been Maine Audubon’s staff attorney and advocate since 1997 where she has served on an assortment of commissions and committees. She has been extensively involved in the legislative process. She will talk about the upcoming 128th Maine Legislative session and what’s likely to be high on Maine Audubon’s priority list of issues.
Jenn holds a B.A. from Trinity College in CT, where she majored in Political Science with a concentration in American Government. She received her J.D. from the University of Maine School of Law in 1996.