Winter Seabirds in Maine – a workshop with Ed Jenkins
03/11/2023 8:00 am - 11:00 am
The Cliff House
Seabirds are, by their very nature, enigmatic and difficult to observe closely. They are superbly adapted for life out at sea, specialized in a myriad of ways to fill every niche in an environment that may seem harsh and desolate to us.
Even in Maine where seabirds are present in large numbers, getting close enough to begin to understand their fascinating lives can be tough, especially as they face growing conservation challenges. This program will start with an overview of seabird ecology, from how they find food at sea, to their incredible migration strategies, before focusing on the species that can be found in Maine in the winter, from razorbills and murres to gulls and sea ducks. We will then conduct a ‘sea-watch’ from the coastal cliffs, learning to identify passing birds, including, hopefully, some passing rarities.
This workshop will be held on Saturday morning, March 11, 2023, from 8:00 am till (about) 11 am. at the Cliff House in Cape Neddick (whose support for this event is greatly appreciated). It will include both an indoor presentation and discussion, and an outdoor search for seabirds.
Advance registration is required. To register, please use the registration form below. The price is $25/person ($30/person for non-members), payable by cash or check at the workshop.
Ed Jenkins has been working with seabirds for the past decade, in Maine for National Audubon, but also elsewhere in the US and abroad, from New Zealand to Malta. Originally from the UK, he received his M.Sc. studying seabirds in Newfoundland in 2018, and now works as an avian biologist at the Biodiversity Research Institute in Portland.
This event is fully booked.